GreyForum 3.1
“The GreyForum is a series of onsite and online courses, seminars, and workshops where grey literature provides common ground for information professionals in the process of knowledge transfer”
Further details visit: GreyNet International
Grey Literature and Policy Development: The Pisa Declaration
(A meeting of the minds to broker the future of grey resources)
7 April 2014
The seminar is organized together with colleagues from INIST-CNRS (France), ISTI-CNR (Italy), OpenAIRE (EU), and GreyNet International.
This Initiative by GreyNet's Resource Policy Committee (RPC) envisions a meeting of the minds in brokering the future of grey resources.
In October 2013, a meeting was convened in Nancy in which representatives from INIST-CNRS, ISTI-CNR, OpenAIRE, and GreyNet were present. The goal of that meeting was to establish a working committee to seek further collaboration among repositories housing grey literature resources, collections, and services. The outcome in Nancy was the establishment of GreyNet’s Resource Policy Committee (RPC) chaired by Herbert Gruttemeier, Head of International Relations at INIST. The committee’s first activity was set to organize a seminar in the spring of 2014 hosted by CNR in Pisa that would focus on Grey Literature and Policy Development related to open access, open data, open standards, open science, etc. Former SIGLE members, current OpenGrey partners, as well as other stakeholders both within and outside the grey literature community are invited to participate.
Grey Literature and Policy Development is geared to publishers, librarians, archivists, and other information professionals in government, academics, business and industry who are involved in the production and/or management of grey literature resources.
About the Program
In the morning, invited speakers from organizations in Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom will address issues on open access, open data, open standards, and open science as they impact grey literature. In the afternoon, participants will be invited to give briefings on their grey literature resources, collections, and services. The seminar will further seek to close with a declaration of intent supporting policy development on grey literature